Natural Hair School

Choosing the right Natural Hair Products

Understanding your Hair Type Series 2 We have talked about the different hair types in the first Series, if you have not read it, you can check it out. Now let’s address the characteristics of the hair types and choosing the right products for people with those hair types. Please note that these products are […]

Natural Hair School

Types of Hair? The Ultimate Guide.

Series 1 There are different types of hair available and the best classification is done using the curly structure of the hair strand. Understanding your hair type is the foundational key to getting healthy hair. If you have spent some time watching YouTube hairstyle tutorials or even movies that star African Americans with their natural […]


Bantu Knots with Natural Hair

Bantu knots with Natural Hair is a traditional flirty style acknowledged by African women of certain cultural groups and some women of African descent. They are small curly buns secured against the side of the head and are created by taking small sections of hair and twisting them from root to ends to form little […]

Natural Hair School

Why Should I Grow My Natural Hair?

You love seeing people wear out their natural hair, seeing the various styles you can rock with your natural hair also amazes you, you especially admired that sister with black, silky, long natural hair but you are still saying “I would like to grow natural hair BUT..” or you just need that extra push. This […]

Natural Hair Care 101 Natural Hair School

Transitioning, Deep Conditioning, and Detangling

Welcome to another educative session on Natural Hair Care 101. Today we will be tackling three topics (Transitioning, Deep Conditioning and Detangling)you might be thinking “Haba why three at once? Is it not too much?” This is because these concepts are very simple and easy to understand once they are properly explained. Quick Access Transitioning […]

Hacks and Tips

Big Chop: Why Should you do it?

There are several reasons some might decide to do a big chop. You might have also been hearing about big chop and do not know what it’s all about. We would have a little chat about what its all about. What is Big chop? Big chop is simply cutting a large chunk of your hair […]

Hair Treatment

Why Tight Braids Cause Bumps

If you are a fan of braids, bumps should have become a normal phenomenon now. However, have you ever wondered why tight braids cause bumps? There are several reasons why this might be, let us have a quick discussion. Hair Structure To understand how tight braids cause bumps, let us first discuss, hair structure. From […]


LUKY with Toria Bulley

Today in our LUKY “Let Us Know You” session in December 2019, we met with an amazing individual, Toria Bulley with a burning passion to make a difference. Below is our session with her concerning her natural hair journey. Furthermore, there are several tips you can learn from her experience as a natural hair diva. […]

Hair Care Natural Hair School

What is Pre poo?

You must have heard about pre poo and wondered what is pre poo. This natural hair care treatment helps contribute to having healthier and longer hair. If you are serious about your natural hair, this is a treatment that you should understand thoroughly. Jump to content Simple note We are aware that there are different […]