Hacks and Tips

What is hair Colouring ?

Hair colouring or hair dyeing is the practice of alternating the hair color.Major reasons for this are cosmetics, to change to the color regarded as more fashionable, desirable or to restore the original hair color after it has been disclosed by the hairdressing process and sun bleaching. Furthermore, the process can be done professionally with […]

Hacks and Tips

Hair Edges: Dealing with damages

A healthy hair edge is a dream for many women. Bald edges, thinning edges, no one likes having hair edge issues. It makes some people feel awkward or embarrassed especially when they see others with thriving edges or rocking those styles that involve styling ‘baby hairs’ or sleek edges. In this article we would be […]

Hacks and Tips

Aloe Vera on Hair

Aloe vera on hair has been a major hair treatment substance for centuries times. Aloe vera offers various benefits for hair, health and skin. It’s a popular plant that has been used for healing internally and topically. The best way to fully utilize the power of aloe vera is to use the raw gel directly. […]

Hacks and Tips

Lice on the hair: The best way to deal with it.

Lice on the hair? Let’s talk about it. When you hear lice on hair what comes to mind? Bugs that live in people’s hair? Click here to skip to treatment If you thought so you are correct but how big do you think they are? What do lice on hair look like? They are very […]

Hacks and Tips

What Causes Dandruff?

Let’s talk about the most common problems found with many natural hair, dandruff. In this article, we will learn about what causes dandruff and also simple dandruff treatments that you can apply to overcome the problem. Since most people already have an idea of what dandruff is, we will jump right into it. Jump to […]

Hacks and Tips

Big Chop: Why Should you do it?

There are several reasons some might decide to do a big chop. You might have also been hearing about big chop and do not know what it’s all about. We would have a little chat about what its all about. What is Big chop? Big chop is simply cutting a large chunk of your hair […]

Hacks and Tips

Wear your Hair better during Cold weather

Whether it is harmattan, fall or winter, the cold weather poses challenges for natural hair. Lack of the right natural hair care routine this season can lead to several hair issues. These issues include hair breakage, dry hair, dull hair, split ends and more. All this is due to the drop in temperature. We can’t […]