In this article, we will walk you through how to remove hair dye from skin. So you finally got the hair dye colour you have been dreaming of for months, it is now time for some DIY hair dye magic.
The dye job goes well, your hair comes out in the right shade no portion of the hair is lighter than the other, it is all good then you turn to admire your perfectly dyed hair in the mirror and you catch a glimpse of your skin as you twirl, there are dye stains on your skin.
Just in a moment, your mood switches from ‘on top of the world’ to ‘oh no’. You rub at your skin furiously but it does not but transfer some of the dye to your skin. Perplexed is an understatement of what you feel now especially if you have an outing later in the day if this has happened before you understand that getting the dye off your skin is no easy feat if you are not aware of what to do.
Methods of how to remove hair dye from skin
1. Soap and Water:
This should be the first thing you should use when you notice hair dye on your skin especially for sensitive areas like your hairline or face. This solution works best when you apply the solution immediately after the dye touches your skin or if you wipe the dye off before it dries on your skin.
You simply wash off the area of the skin where the dye is with soap and water. In cases where the dye has already stained the skin, soap and water may not be enough to remove the hair dye from your skin.
2. Toothpaste:

Another method useful for removing dye from sensitive areas. Simply apply a small amount of toothpaste on your finger or a cotton bud, rub the toothpaste over the stained part of the skin then leave for 5-10 minutes. Use a towel/washcloth dipped in warm water to remove the dye from that portion of the skin.
3. Nail polish remover:
This method should not be used on sensitive areas such as the face and the neck. It is safe to use on the hands though. Get a cotton bud/cotton wool and a nail polish remover. Dab the cotton bud/cotton wool with some nail polish rub it on the stained area for a few seconds you should see some the stain coming off. Wash your hands with warm water and soap to remove the nail polish from your skin.
4. Olive oil:
Olive oil is a natural cleanser and is especially good for people with sensitive skin. To use this to remove hair dye stains from the skin, pour a bit of olive oil on your fingers or cotton wool, then gently rub your finger or cotton wool on the stained portion of your skin.
Leave it for about 8 hours. If you are going to sleep with it that way, ensure you wrap it with a bandage or plastic bag so the stain doesn’t get on clothing or bedsheets. Once the 8 hours is up, wash off the stained area with warm water.
You can use any of our natural oils like
By doing this, you already know how to remove hair dye from skin
How to prevent hair dye stains on your skin
Now that we have learnt how to remove hair dye from skin, the next things to note is how to prevent getting hair dye on your skin.
- Use gloves to protect your hands from being stained.
- Wipe up any spills as you dye hair. Removing stains immediately can prevent the dye from actually staining your skin.
- Apply a barrier between your hairline and the hair. Said barrier can be petroleum jelly, moisturizing cream. Simply apply a thick line of the cream/jelly around the hairline before you start to dye your hair.
Final thoughts on how to remove hair dye from hair
If you can’t seem to avoid getting hair dye stains on your skin despite the preventive methods please consider having your hair dyed in a salon by a professional stylist.
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